Ahmed Ali Siddiqi
St. John's College, Santa Fe
Tutor (Assistant Professor)
Fall 2021–Present
Emory University
Marcus Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow
Fall 2018–Spring 2021
University of Texas at Austin
Ph.D., Political Theory
Dissertation: "Revival, Reform, and Reason in Islam: Alfarabi on the Proper Relationship Between Religion and Politics"
Defended August 2018
M.A., Political Theory
Thesis: “Politics, Religion, and Philosophy in Al-Farabi's Book of Religion”
Received August 2014
Comprehensive exam fields: Political Theory, Comparative Politics
University of North Texas
B.A., Political Science; B.S., Economics
Minors: Arabic, Mathematics
Published Articles
“Hardship, Recompense, and Divine Law: Al-Fārābī on the “Virtue of Struggle.” Polity 56, no. 4 (2024): 584–607.
“Moral Epistemology and the Revision of Divine Law in Islam.” Oxford Journal of Law and Religion 10, no. 1 (2021): 43–70.
“Political Rationalism and the Theological Alternative in Alfarabi's Book of Religion.” The Review of Politics 80, no. 4 (2018): 625–48.
Working Papers
“Religion Made Human: Al-Fārābi’s Kitāb al-Ḥurūf on Philosophy's Twofold Interest in Religion”
Metaphysics and Political Science in Al-Fārābi’s Kitāb Taḥṣīl al-Sa‘āda
Book Reviews
Review of Alfarabi: The Political Writings, Volume II, ed. and trans. Charles E. Butterworth. In Interpretation: A Journal of Political Philosophy, Volume 43/1 (Fall 2016).
Book Manuscript
Revival, Reform, and Reason in Islam: Al-Farabi on the Relationship Between Religion and Politics
Invited Talks
“Hardship, Salvation, and the Limits of Secularism: Al-Fārābī on the ‘Virtue of Struggle’”
Occidental College
June 18, 2020 (Given virtually)
“Struggle and Salvation in Islamic Theology”
University of West Georgia
November 12, 2019
“Al-Fārābī on the ‘Virtue of Struggle’ in Islamic Law”
University of Texas at Austin
February 21, 2019
Conference Presentations
“Religion Made Human: Al-Fārābi’s Kitāb al-Hurūf on the Antagonism Between Religion and Philosophy”
Southern Political Science Association: January 2022
“Hardship and Salvation in Islamic Thought: Al-Fārābī on the ‘Virtue of Struggle’”
American Political Science Association: September 2020
“Politics, Religion, and Philosophy in Al-Fārābī’s Book of Religion”
Midwest Political Science Association: April, 2015
“The Treatment of the Philosopher-King in Plato's Republic”
Midwest Political Science Association: April, 2013
Tutor (Assistant Professor), St. John’s College, Santa Fe
Fall 2021–Present
Instructor, Emory University
Fall 2018–Spring 2021
Assistant Instructor, University of Texas
Fall 2015–Spring 2018

Mughal painting illustrating a scene from Nizami Ganjavi's "Eskandar-Nameh"—part of his Khamsa—depicting Alexander the Great conversing with a philosopher (c.1610).